Oxidative stress in hypothyroidism

  • Nivedita Nanda Department of Biochemistry, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India
Keywords: Anti‑oxidants, Hypothyroidism, Oxidative stress


Oxidative stress (OS) has become the most discussed topic, especially in the last two decades due to its association with multiple pathological conditions. Since the discovery of its existence, several biomarkers and anti‑oxidants have been identified, yet its association with diseases has not been successfully delineated despite management of the diseases. Experimental hypothyroidism when coupled with other free radical‑generating conditions and also being a hypo‑metabolic state, attenuates OS up to an extent. Nevertheless, hypothyroidism per se has been associated with OS despite several studies refuting its presence. Therefore, OS in hypothyroidism is a controversial topic of worth analysis.

How to Cite
Nanda, N. (2016). Oxidative stress in hypothyroidism. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, 3(1), 4-9. Retrieved from https://ijcep.org/index.php/ijcep/article/view/256